Beneath Arles lies an immense ancient necropolis, of which the present-day Les Alyscamps monument is intended to be the façade.
The Duplex Arelas edition deliberately distances itself from all images of Les Alyscamps to explore the unseen places of this ancient showcase.
Like a tomb being unearthed, an archive being opened and closed, the empty surface of the pages hides a long frieze of images in their folds. They present reminiscences of the necropolis in their contemporary context, looking for instances where the city of the dead surfaces on the surface of the living.
Project carried out during the residency Éditer les territoires #Arles (OANI) by Lia Pradal. The publication combines photographic contributions (Mathieu Asselin, Davide Fecarotti) with the archives of the Musée Départemental Arles Antique and the Arles media library.
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